SMS Automation

In the fast-paced digital world, E-Web Marketing harnesses the power of SMS marketing and automation to create direct and impactful connections with customers. This approach not only ensures high visibility but also fosters personalized communication, setting the stage for enhanced customer engagement and business growth.

Workflow and Methodology

SMS marketing sends promotional or transactional messages via text, achieving remarkable open rates compared to other channels. Automation elevates this by sending texts based on specific customer actions, allowing for timely and relevant communication.

High Open Rates

With a 98% open rate, SMS ensures messages are seen.

Instant Delivery

Perfect for time-sensitive information.


Automated messages can be tailored, improving customer loyalty.


Offers a high ROI, making it an efficient marketing tool.

Content Creation

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On-Page Optimisation

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Link Building

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Analysis & Reporting

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Strategy in Action

E-Web Marketing’s strategy focuses on consent-based messaging, audience segmentation, integration with other marketing channels, and continuous performance analysis. This multifaceted approach not only respects customer preferences but also enhances the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.
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Frequently asked questions

This piece of code is placed onto your website to collect data, track conversions from social media ads, optimise results, build a targeted audience network for future ads and remarket to users who’ve previously interacted with your site.
No, there are no hidden costs. Our management fees include all the tools we need to track, monitor and improve the performance of your campaign.
Two to three days, if we have everything that we need from your end. Otherwise, we will need at least a week to design offers and digital assets for the campaign.
We generally need a few weeks to gain an understanding of how well the campaign is performing, after launching. This timeframe often depends on the strength of the offer and creative.

Words that make us blush

Genuine from those who availed our services.

We’re just a message away

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