Google Business Profile

Make it simple for customers to call your business, get directions to visit your premises and leave a review.

Workflow and Methodology

Google Business Profile

If your business has in-person contact with your clients, it’s possible you’re eligible for a Google Business Profile (GBP.)

Organic traffic

GBP is a valuable asset to supplement both your Organic traffic and your Paid traffic.

Google Maps

Customers can quickly find your business, call it and navigate to your premises using Google Maps. They can leave reviews (assisting your online visibility) and obtain social proof from others’ reviews.

Verifying and Maintaining

For some businesses, verifying their Profile can be straightforward. For others, verifying and maintaining a GBP can sometimes be challenging.

Content Creation

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On-Page Optimisation

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Link Building

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Analysis & Reporting

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Why trust E-WEB Marketing?

We have over two decades of experience as a full-service digital agency. Our team has helped 3000 national and global businesses to expand online.

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Frequently asked questions

Not all businesses are eligible for a Profile. Just one requirement is that your business has in-person contact with your clients.
If you travel out to meet your clients in-person (for example; a plumber, electrician or cleaner) it is possible that you might qualify for a different type of Profile
You must have in-person contact with your clients – not purely online. To claim an address, you need permanent fixed signage and be open to receive your clients in-person.
E-Web might be able to help identify and mitigate the violations. The road back from suspended to reinstated can be a tedious one. E-Web can help you navigate that.

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