Facebook Ads

We have over two decades of experience as a full-service digital agency. Our team has helped 3000 national and global businesses to expand online.

Workflow and Methodology

Identify Goals & Outcomes

We identify the goals and outcomes that are important to your business.

Planning & Strategy

We map out your industry vertical and audit existing campaigns to estimate costs & budgets.

Ad Creative

We set up your campaign in the Facebook Ads Platform and create multiple ad campaigns based on the initial brief.


Once the ads are set up, we implement Facebook ads conversion tracking to monitor key metrics for your business.

Content Creation

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On-Page Optimisation

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Link Building

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Analysis & Reporting

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Why trust E-WEB Marketing?

It’s hard to compete for the limited attention of consumers, especially if you’re a small business with budget restraints.
One cost-effective strategy? Make yourself visible on social media, because half the world’s population uses it (your dream customer probably does too!). Consumers are 71 per cent more likely to make a purchase based on social media referrals. Facebook is the most popular platform, so that’s our core focus.
Remember, it isn’t enough to display a hastily written advertisement and call it a day. People scroll mindlessly through their social media feeds, so you need to use compelling language that captures their attention by connecting with emotions.

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Frequently asked questions

This piece of code is placed onto your website to collect data, track conversions from social media ads, optimise results, build a targeted audience network for future ads and remarket to users who’ve previously interacted with your site.
No, there are no hidden costs. Our management fees include all the tools we need to track, monitor and improve the performance of your campaign.
Two to three days, if we have everything that we need from your end. Otherwise, we will need at least a week to design offers and digital assets for the campaign.
We generally need a few weeks to gain an understanding of how well the campaign is performing, after launching. This timeframe often depends on the strength of the offer and creative.

Words that make us blush

Genuine from those who availed our services.

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